Ownership Timeline

From 1995 to 2015, A’s owners tried to move the A’s out of Oakland. They intentionally depressed attendance at A’s games by constantly refusing to commit to the city of Oakland, providing poor customer service to A’s fans, and openly courting other cities while trying to move out of town.
In late 2016, Dave Kaval became A’s president. The A’s adopted the “Rooted in Oakland” slogan and, in 2017, Kaval proposed building a ballpark at Laney College. Finally, Oakland fans had hope. But Kaval messed it up. He didn't first get the approval of the Laney College board before announcing ballpark plans. When facing opposition at Laney, Kaval and A's owner John Fisher quickly gave up. They then proposed a waterfront ballpark at Howard Terminal, but when Mayor Sheng Thao got close to a deal, the A's leaked to the media that they had a deal in Vegas.
Read below to learn about the history of this 30-year saga, which began in 1995:
June 2000
Chronicle columnist Glenn Dickey pens column blaming Schott for ruining A’s attendance in Oakland.
Source: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2000/06/22/SP24694.DTL