The Oakland A's franchise is proposing to privately finance a new ballpark on the Oakland waterfront, next to Jack London Square and Oakland's ferry stop. They also aim to invest $12 billion in private investment, through the construction of a new development that will revitalize the Jack London entertainment district. In addition, the franchise's Howard Terminal plan calls for 3,000 apartments, 18 acres of bayside parks, a new hotel, a performing arts venue, retail, office space, and $450 million in community benefits.

Port of Oakland
The Port of Oakland's seven-member board in May 2019 approved a plan that gives the Oakland Athletics four years to advance their quest for a proposed baseball stadium at the Port’s Howard Terminal. The seven-member board voted unanimously to adopt an exclusive negotiation term sheet.
City of Oakland
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf has made her position clear: The Waterfront Ballpark Project at Howard Terminal will keep our beloved A’s rooted in Oakland with a world-class ballpark and mixed-used development that will catalyze community benefits for West Oaklanders and the region. This project is bigger than baseball, with long-needed infrastructure and transportation improvements that will allow people to move safely to and around the waterfront district and create a world-class waterfront neighborhood with beautiful public parks and gorgeous communal spaces for people to live, work and play, all while protecting the economic engine of our seaport. The project will be a good deal for the City and County — with new net revenues, equitable jobs, housing, and other direct benefits for all residents — without risk of leaving taxpayers on the hook as happened with bad sports deals of the past. The A’s have committed to privately finance a new world-class ballpark and vibrant mixed-use development, and Mayor Schaaf and the A's commit it will include ongoing community benefits for generations to come.